Fund Structure

The Village of Round Lake Heights does not operate under a unified budget. Instead, the Village's funds operate as separate funds with their own revenue sources and expenses. The following is a description of the Village's operating funds.

General Fund: The General fund receives general taxes and fees to fund the administrative, police, streets and buildings and grounds operations of the Village. General fund revenues are not completely in control of the Village. Major revenue sources, including income tax, sales tax, use tax, and building permit fee revenue, are dependent on economic climate and can vary year to year.

Water Sewer Fund: Water and Sewer fund consists of user charges as set by the Village Board.  These user charges fund the maintenance and treatment activities that provide residents and businesses with drinking water and processing of effluent to the County wastewater system.

Motor Fuel Tax Fund: This fund receives revenue from the state distributed motor fuel tax. Municipalities receive a per person amount based upon population. The uses of these funds are restricted by state statute to roadway and right-of-way maintenance.